How To Make Dorayaki (Original & Matcha Flavors!)-Japanese Taste

How To Make Dorayaki (Original & Matcha Flavors!)

by Ayako Kidokoro

Dessert Red bean Cake Honey Mirin Easy Japanese Sweets Freezer-friendly Kid-friendly Vegetarian Street Food

Dorayaki is a traditional Japanese confectionery featuring two round pancakes sandwiched with sweet red bean paste (Anko).

When I think of Dorayaki, the theme song of a beloved anime always plays in my mind. Doraemon, a popular character from a Japanese manga series, is a huge fan of Dorayaki, and just like in the cartoon, this delightful treat is cherished by all ages.

Various theories surround the invention of Dorayaki, with one of the most famous suggesting that the pancake's shape is inspired by the dora (gong), a metal percussion instrument found in Buddhism. Original Dorayaki dates back to the Edo Period (1603-1867) and gained its iconic appearance in the early 20th century.

These pancakes are light, and the Anko paste adds moisture to the texture. While the original is filled with Anko paste, modern variations include custard cream, whipped cream, and Anko paste with butter.

We're introducing two kinds of Dorayaki: the classic version and Matcha Dorayaki, made with Matcha powder.

The ingredients are simple, resembling a pancake with the addition of honey and mirin for moisture. Mirin imparts a beautiful golden color, contributing to the unique flavor of these sweets.

In this recipe, beating the egg is crucial for a fluffy pancake, and it's important not to overmix after adding flour to achieve the desired lightness.

While the aroma when cooking is irresistible, try to wait a day. After one day, the Dorayaki becomes even moister with a better texture.

Dorayaki is delicious on its own but pairs exceptionally well with a cup of green tea, like other Japanese confectioneries. Give this recipe a try and savor the delightful flavors of Japanese traditional sweets.


Prep time: 40 mins

Cook time: 10 mins

Total time: 50 mins

Total servings: 8

Difficulty: Easy

  • 2 Eggs (about 90 g)
  • 90 g Sugar
  • 10 g Honey
  • 1 Tbsp Mirin
  • 1/3 tsp Baking Soda
  • 30-40cc Water
  • 100 g All-Purpose Flour
  • 300 g Sweet Red Bean Paste (Anko)
  • 2-3 g Matcha Powder, optional, only for matcha version

Expert's Tip

How To Make Dorayaki (Original & Matcha Flavors!)

If you have never tried Dorayaki, start with this one! It is very moist, fluffy, and soft. Red beans from Hokkaido are used for the filling, resulting in a high-quality Anko paste. It is not overly sweet, and the light texture makes it a guilt-free snack, even in the evening.


1) Gathering the Ingredients and Recipe Preparations

Gather the ingredients together. As a preparation step, sift the flour (for Matcha Dorayaki, include matcha powder). Mix mirin and honey until smooth. Combine baking soda and water.

Tip: While we use Koshian (Smooth Anko paste), Tsubuan is also a popular choice for Dorayaki.

2) Beating the Eggs

In a large bowl, combine eggs and sugar, and whisk with a hand mixer until the mixture thickens.

3) Adding the Rest of the Liquid Ingredients

Add the mixture of mirin and honey into the same bowl. Also, add the mixture of baking soda and water. Whisk the ingredients together again with a hand mixer until combined.

4) Adding the Flour

Add sifted all-purpose flour into the bowl and mix it gently with a spatula. Avoid beating; mix until combined. Cover the top and let the batter rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

5) Cooking the Pancakes

Heat an electric griddle to around 130°C and lightly grease it with oil. Spoon the batter into approximately 7-8cm diameter circles.

Tip: Grease the pan very lightly to achieve a nice brown color.

Note: Alternatively, you can use a nonstick frying pan. In our case, we opted for an electric griddle as it allows for better temperature control and the ability to cook multiple pancakes at the same time.

6) Flipping the Pancakes

Gently flip the pancakes when bubbles appear on the first side. Once cooked, transfer the pancakes to a plate and let them cool.

Note: we are showing the matcha version of dorayaki in this picture. 

7) Assembling the Dorayaki

Take a scoop of Anko paste and sandwich it between two pancakes. Use your fingers lightly to press the edges together.

8) Enjoying the Dorayaki

The dorayaki are now ready, but they taste better if you wait a day for them to become moist. Store Dorayaki in a container with a lid in a cool place for 2-3 days. For longer storage, wrap each individually with plastic wrap, place them in a freezer bag, and store in the freezer for up to a month.

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