Miso Paste

Miso Paste

Miso is one of the most common Japanese seasonings, and has been a staple part of the Japanese diet for more than 1,300 years. In fact, it is said that miso paste can be found in any Japanese household, and...
Miso is one of the most common Japanese seasonings, and has been a staple part of the Japanese diet for more than 1,300 years. In fact, it is said that miso paste can be found in any Japanese household, and that Japanese families usually have multiple types of miso pastes in their refrigerators!

In case you’re not familiar with miso, it is a nutritionally rich, fermented paste typically made from soybeans. However, these days, there are versions made from different types of beans, grains, and mixtures of beans and grains. Each variety of miso paste goes through a different length and process of fermentation, which could last anywhere from a few months to even a few years.

Miso paste is a staple seasoning for miso soup, but it can also be added into sauces, marinades, and dressings. In our collection of premium Japanese miso pastes, you can find a variety of different miso pastes ranging from miso paste made by local artisans, to commonly-known miso pastes loved all throughout Japan. Whichever miso paste you decide is best for you, we're sure that your new favorite miso paste is waiting for you right here in our collection.