Kayanoya's story began in 1893 as a humble soy sauce brewery in a small village in Fukuoka. Over 120 years later, Kayanoya has evolved into a beloved brand known for crafting premium seasonings, including their signature dashi series. Driven by...
Kayanoya's story began in 1893 as a humble soy sauce brewery in a small village in Fukuoka. Over 120 years later, Kayanoya has evolved into a beloved brand known for crafting premium seasonings, including their signature dashi series.
Driven by the belief that flavor takes time and effort, Kayanoya is committed to using only carefully selected ingredients, free from chemical seasonings or preservatives.
Their products, from popular dashi packs to miso, soy sauce, and unique condiments, are trusted by families across Japan for everyday cooking, bringing authentic and natural flavors into their kitchens.
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Kayanoya Niboshi Dashi Sardine Stock Powder 8g x 30 Packets