Kobo Aizawa

Kobo Aizawa

Kobo Aizawa is renowned for their iconic stainless steel bento lunch boxes. Located in Tsubame city, Niigata prefecture, the capital of the highest-quality cutlery in all of Japan, Kobo Aizawa has been making high-quality bento boxes for around a century....
Kobo Aizawa is renowned for their iconic stainless steel bento lunch boxes. Located in Tsubame city, Niigata prefecture, the capital of the highest-quality cutlery in all of Japan, Kobo Aizawa has been making high-quality bento boxes for around a century.

What sets Kobo Aizawa bento boxes apart from other Japanese bento boxes is not only their use of 18-8 stainless steel material but also their function-first designs. Kobo Aizawa values making bento boxes that can give consumers the most enjoyable eating experience possible. For example, their double-tier bento boxes have been crafted in mind so that every component in the bento box can be enjoyed on its own without getting mixed into other foods.

Stainless steel has also been chosen as the material for Kobo Aizawa bento boxes because it is exceptionally resistant to odors and color transfer. It is also much easier to clean and maintain compared to plastic or resin bento boxes.

In our Kobo Aizawa collection, you'll find a variety of high-quality, functional, 18-8 stainless steel lunch boxes that you can enjoy using in your daily life.