

Sharpen your nicked kitchen knives and sharpen your life; this is Shapton’s message to their valued customers. This company has an excellent know-how in sharpening stones and are enjoying worldwide popularity thanks to their innovative and functional products.

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Sharpen your nicked kitchen knives and sharpen your life; this is Shapton’s message to their valued customers. This company has an excellent know-how in sharpening stones and are enjoying worldwide popularity thanks to their innovative and functional products.

What makes their sharpening stones different from those of other brands? Shapton stones allow you to sharpen faster, perform sharpening without soaking them in water in advance, so the stone causes less wearing even under heavy use, and you can easily give your knives the desired finish. Their long-selling classic stone series called the Yaiba no Kuromaku is the world's first set of color-coded sharpening stones. In other words, you can distinguish their grit level according to their color, making it easier for you to choose the correct one.

Their GlassStone series is also worth trying, or just looking at as its transparent body and its thinness make this stone totally unprecedented. It has a wide selection like the Kuromaku series, so you can sharpen any type of blade.