How To Make Tamago Sando (Egg Salad Sandwich) At Home-Japanese Taste

How To Make Tamago Sando (Egg Salad Sandwich) At Home

by Ayumi Matsuo

Sandwich Kid-friendly Shokupan Egg Vegetarian

Tamago sando, or egg salad sandwich, is without a doubt one of the most popular sandwiches in Japan. If you’ve been to Japan, you might have tried one in a convenience store like 7-11, Lawson, or Family Mart. It is an iconic Japanese sandwich that everyone loves! 

While there are many variations of tamago sando available in Japan, the most common one is undoubtedly the egg salad version, which is a mashed egg filling dressed with mayonnaise. This may sound quite simple, but once you try it you’ll understand why it's such a fan favorite. 

Another point that makes tamago sando so delicious is the kind of bread used for the sandwich. Similar to other sandwiches in Japan, shokupan is used as the bread for tamago sando. If you’re unfamiliar with shokupan, it is fluffy white bread that is light and chewy in texture and melts in your mouth at the same time. You can purchase shokupan in Japanese supermarkets or bakeries, or you can even make it at home using our recipe

Now, you don’t need to worry about flying to Japan every time you get a sudden craving for tamago sando, because we’re going to show you how to make it at home. Our tamago sando recipe uses simple ingredients that are easily accessible, so we hope you’ll be able to try it for yourself at home. 

Let us know in the comments below if you’ve ever had a tamago sando in Japan and how you liked it. 


Prep time: 15 mins

Cook time: 10 mins

Total time: 25 mins

Total servings: 1

Difficulty: Easy

  • 2 Pieces Shokupan (1-2cm thick)
  • 10g Butter
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tbsp Japanese Mayonnaise
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1/4 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Milk (optional)

Expert's Tip

How To Make Tamago Sando (Egg Salad Sandwich) At Home

Japanese mayonnaise, particularly Kewpie mayonnaise is famous for its iconic rich and mildly acidic flavor. It is one of the most crucial ingredients in the tamago sando filling because it gives it its unique creamy texture and distinct flavor. While you can use mayonnaise native to your own country for this recipe, it won't taste like the iconic Japanese tamago sando that you know and love. 

Even if you're not a fan of mayonnaise, we still recommend giving Kewpie mayo a chance as it has a creamier texture yet lighter and more balanced texture than Western varieties of mayonnaise. Besides making tamago sando, you can use this mayo for anything you desire whether it's using it as a dipping sauce for karaage fried chicken or using it as a secret ingredient for pasta sauce.


1) Gathering the Ingredients

Gather the ingredients together.

2) Hard-boiling the Eggs

Fill a small pot with cold water and add the eggs into the pot straight from the refrigerator. Bring the water to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Keep the eggs in the water for 10 minutes, allowing them to cook with the residual heat of the hot water. Then, transfer them to a bowl of cold water, and once cool, peel them.

3) Cutting the Crust Off of the Shokupan

Cut the crust off of the shokupan to give the bread a better texture for the egg salad. 

Note: If you prefer to keep the crust, please go ahead!

4) Making the Egg Salad

Mash the boiled eggs and then add in the mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, sugar, and a little bit of milk. Once the texture of the egg salad is creamy and the ingredients are evenly distributed, it's ready to be used as a filling for the sandwich.

5) Assembling the Tamago Sando

Melt the butter in the microwave and then evenly spread it on the inside of the shokupan slices. This will help prevent the sandwich from becoming soggy. Next, evenly spread the egg salad on one slice of shokupan, and then place the other slice on top to form a sandwich. Cover the sandwich tightly with plastic wrap and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Note: Resting the sandwich enhances its texture, so we recommend not skipping this step.

6) Slicing the Tamago Sando

After allowing the sandwich to rest in the refrigerator, remove it and cut it in half. In Japan, it's common to cut sandwiches diagonally, but you can also cut it down the middle if you prefer.

7) Enjoying Your Tamago Sando

Unwrap the plastic wrap and enjoy your tamago sando! 

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